Our Century Interest Checking account earns a competitive interest rate1 on your balances. No monthly service fee with a minimum daily balance of $500. If the required minimum daily balance is not met each day of the statement cycle, a monthly service fee of $5 will be applied. eStatements are provided at no charge or you many obtain paper statements at $5 per statement cycle. Remote Deposit Anywhere is also available for qualified applicants. Your personal banking relationship with Century Bank includes Online Banking privileges.
- $100 Minimum opening balance
- Competitive interest rate2
- No monthly service fee with a minimum daily balance of $500
- If the required minimum daily balance is not met each day of the statement cycle, a monthly service fee of $5 will be applied
The following benefits are included with all checking accounts:
- Debit Card
- Mobile and online banking with digital wallet
- Remote Deposit
- Bill Pay and e-Alerts
2 Interest rates are subject to change without notice.