Identity Theft and Security
- Purses, wallets, briefcases, and other personal belongings in public places, at work or as part of a burglary.
- Mail theft - credit card statements, checks, tax information, pre-approved credit card offers, bank statements, etc.
- Personal information from your home or home computer.
- Third parties - files from offices where you are a customer, employee, patient or student.
- Phishing - emails containing links to bank sites or government sites that entice you to enter in your user ID, password, SSN, etc.
- Use Anti-Virus Software. This is the single most important thing you can do to protect your computer from viruses. There are many on the market today - some cost money while others are free. If you opt to use a free version, make sure it is being offered by a reputable company and do research on the company and its product before installing.
- Keep your Operating System up-to-date with the latest security patches.
- Never click on a link from a business requesting that you provide them with personal information.
- Pay close attention to the URL (Internet address) behind the link. Often in phishing attempts, if you hover the cursor over the link the fraudsters want you to click on, it has nothing to do with the actual company they claim to be.
- Verify your watermark or personal image each online access. Do not log in unless you see the correct image on the screen.
- Report any phishing attempts to the online business that is being targeted and report any Century Bank phishing attempts by calling 505.424.2888.
- Now that you understand how identity theft can happen, the following guidelines will assist you in lowering your chances that it will happen to you.
- Order a copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus once a year to ensure they are accurate. You may receive a free report on an annual basis at
- New Mexico allows you to place a freeze on your credit report.
- Utilize the services of companies that offer proactive identity theft monitoring.
- Remove your name from pre-approved credit card offers by calling 1.888.5.OPTOUT. Note: You will be asked to provide your SSN which the consumer reporting companies need to match you with your file.
- Protect your PINs and other passwords that allow you to access your credit cards, ATM cards and financial information. Avoid using easily available information like your mother's maiden name, your birth date, the last four digits of your SSN, your phone number, etc.
- Change your passwords often. Even if the online account doesn't require it, it is a good practice to change your passwords at least every six months.
- Don't use the same ID and PIN/Password for every online account you have.
- If accessing information via a wireless network, ensure that the network is secure. Accessing sensitive information (or any website) over a non-secure network simply leaves the door open for criminals. Even if you are not visiting a site where you enter an ID and password, you are still leaving your computer exposed to possible threats.
- Never provide your personal information, including account information, passwords, etc., in response to an unsolicited request, whether it is over the phone or on the Internet.
- Email is not a secure method of sending information. Do not include confidential information (account numbers, SSN, financial information, PIN/Passwords) in your emails or email attachments.
- Secure personal information in your home, especially if you have roommates, employ outside help, or are having work done in your home. Store personal information in a safe place and tear up or shred old credit card receipts, ATM receipts, old check and bank account statements, and unused credit card offers before throwing them away.
- Where available, arrange to receive your account statements online instead of on paper.
- Review your account statements on a regular basis, and use online or phone balance and transaction review features. These are among the best ways to watch for fraudulent activity on all of your financial accounts.
- Ask about information security procedures in your workplace or at businesses, doctor's offices or other institutions that collect your personally identifying information.
- Find out who has access to your personal information and verify that it is handled securely, and ask about the disposal procedures for those records as well.
- Don't carry your SSN card - leave it in a secure place.
- Keep your personal computer safe by installing firewall, virus and spyware detection software.
- Contact the fraud departments of each of the three major credit bureaus to report that you are an identity theft victim. Request that a "fraud alert" be placed on your file and that no new credit be granted without your approval. Please see the resources section for a listing of the credit bureau numbers.
- If you believe your accounts have been tampered with or fraudulent accounts have been opened in your name, close these accounts immediately. If you have a Century Bank account with unauthorized credit or debit activity please contact us at 505-424-2888 immediately. You may also report identity theft with the Federal Trade Commission site visiting their site
- File a police report with the local police department or with the police department in the area where the identity theft took place. Ask for a copy of the police report; often credit card companies and others will need proof of the crime to erase the debts caused by identity theft.
- New Mexico allows you to place a freeze on your credit report.
- Report Internet fraud to IC3, a partnership between the FBI, National White Collar Crime Center and the Bureau of Justice Assistance.
Credit Bureaus
To report fraud, call: 800-525-6285 and
write: P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
To report fraud, call: 888-397-3742 and
write: P.O. Box 9532, Allen, TX 75013
or write: Fraud Victim Assistance Department, P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92834-6790
Additional Resources
Social Security Administration
Postal Inspector
Federal Communications Commission
Security at Century Bank
Security at Your Computer
The first step in preserving your identity is to take an active role in securing your personal information. It is recommended you access your account on a personal computer where no one else may have access to it without your permission.
Passwords and Password Protection
Automatic Sign Off
Enhanced Security
Century Bank utilizes Secure Access Codes or One Time Passwords as an additional security measure to verify your identity when logging into your account the first time or from a new device. When your online access is set up, phone numbers and email addresses are added for you to select from when accessing online banking. You will enter your Login ID, Password and then select the method for which you want to receive the Secure Access Code. You can also register your browser which identifies the device that you normally login with. You should never provide your Secure Access Code to anyone.
Century Bank will also create a profile of your activity. The profile will monitor your normal . If the login is considered unusual activity, then you will be prompted to enter a Secure Access Code.
Century Bank has several Alerts that you can set up to monitor your login activity including when your Login ID is locked out, your password is changed, your secure access code contact information is changed, when the forgot password feature is used and many more. The alerts can be sent via email and text.